We Love our Staff

Kelly has been the pastor of HRBC since 2014. He previously served in youth ministry for 23 years. Kelly felt God calling him into a Sr. Pastor role and has been serving faithfully ever since.
Kelly received his undergraduate from HPU and his graduate degree from SWBTS.

Alex Navarrette joined the HRBC staff in November 2019. He has a long history of music and youth ministry experience. HRBC is blessed to have him and his family.

John became a part of HRBC staff in May 2013. He was an Evangelist for Prison Fellowship
International in Columbia, served as a translator for several pastors and missionaries, and specializes in mental health ministry providing pastoral counseling.

Sandra served as volunteer at HRBC since 1985 and joined the staff in February of 2015, after a career in the hospitality industry. Before joining the HRBC family, she served as the preschool director for Woodcrest Baptist Church in Dallas.

Connect with Hampton Road
400 N. Hampton Road DeSoto, TX 75115
Phone: (972) 223- 5070
Hampton Road Baptist Church is a Bible believing, culturally and generationally diverse congregation that spiritually equips and teaches our members through Bible study, prayer, corporate worship, discipleship, and fellowship.
Worship The Lord In Giving
Faith and finances are inseparable; you cannot divide them. When we give our tithes and offerings, we are reminded of how much God has done in each and every one of our lives. He is the ultimate provider and sustainer. He not only deserves the highest praise, but our first fruits. As Randy Alcorn says, “The more we give, the more we delight in our giving- and the more God delights in us. Our giving pleases us. But more importantly, it pleases God.”